Hyundai spare parts repair Hyundai toothed drive belts
Friday, September 5, 2014 | Labels: belts, drive, Hyundai, parts, repair, spare, toothed | |2 - a spring of the mechanism of a tension;
3 - a roller of a tension of a gear belt;
4 - the free party of a gear belt;
5 - a bolt, 80-100 Н•м;
6 - a camshaft pulley;
7 - an adjusting pin; 8 - the party of a tension of a gear belt;
9 - an adjusting label (index) on a forward cover;
10 - an adjusting label on a pulley of a cranked shaft;
11 - a pulley of a cranked shaft.
1. Los a bolt of fastening of a pulley of the water pump.
2. Los a bolt of fastening of the generator.
3. Remove a pulley of the water pump and a belt.
4. Remove a pulley of a cranked shaft.
5. Remove a casing of a gear belt.
7. Turn out a bolt of fastening of a pulley of a camshaft.
8. Remove a camshaft pulley.
9. Remove a gear belt.
Note a direction of rotation of a gear belt for its repeated installation in initial position.
10. Turn out a bolt of fastening of a pulley of a cranked shaft. Remove a pulley of a cranked shaft and the plug.
11. Remove a roller of the mechanism of a tension of a gear belt.
The prevention
Strongly do not bend a gear belt and do not change a direction of its rotation. Do not allow oil and lubricant to contact with a gear belt as it will lead to its destruction.
1. Check up a gear belt on absence of damages, deterioration, stratification, cracks on teeths and in the basis of teeths, and also on defects at end faces and a belt underside.
2. In the presence of following defects replace a gear belt
1. Check up pulleys of distributive and cranked shaft, a roller of the mechanism of a tension and a single pulley on absence of non-uniform deterioration, cracks and damages.
2. Check up ease and smoothness of rotation of a roller of the mechanism of a tension and a single pulley, and also absence of extraneous noise at rotation.
Installation of the mechanism of a tension of a gear belt
1. Temporarily fix the mechanism of a tension of a gear belt in the taken away position as it is possible more close to the water pump.
Turn a cranked shaft of the engine so that the piston of the first cylinder was established in ВМТ in a compression step.
The prevention
Be convinced, that the plug is established correctly, thus the facet should be from the forward party of the engine.
1. At installation of a pulley of a camshaft the adjusting pin should enter into a pulley aperture.
2. Establish a gear belt so that to exclude its sagging from a tension.
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