1 – a stopper, 40–50 Н•м;
2 – a sealing ring;
3 – плунжер;
4 – a bolt, 12–15 Н•м;
5 – a forward sealing ring;
6 – a forward cover;
7 – an internal gear wheel of the oil pump;
8 – an external gear wheel of the oil pump;
9 – a cover of the oil pump;
10 – a lining;
11 – a lining;
12 – Oil gathering a tube;
13 – a bolt, 15–22 Н•м;
14 – the oil pallet;
15 – the oil filter.
The prevention
At stopper installation it is necessary to use a new sealing ring.
1. Remove a gear belt.
2. Turn out all bolts of fastening of the oil pallet.
3. Remove the oil pallet.
4. Remove the oil filter.
5. Remove a forward cover hyundai factory part from the block of cylinders.
6. Remove a cover of the oil pump.
7. Remove internal and external gear wheels of the oil pump from a forward cover, preliminary having noted their mutual position.
8. Turn out a stopper and remove a spring andплунжер.
1. Check up a forward cover on absence of cracks or damages and if necessary replace it.
2. Check up a forward sealing ring on absence of deterioration or damage of working edges and if necessary replace it.
3. Check up a condition of the oil pallet and if necessary replace it.
4. Check up the mesh oil filter on absence of damages and if necessary replace it.
5. Check up a forward cover on absence of deterioration or damages to places of contact to gear wheels of the oil pump and if necessary replace it.
6. Check up a condition of the safety valve established in a forward cover.
7. Check up the form and absence of damages of a spring of a safety valve.
Length of a spring a free condition: 46,6 mm
Length under loading: 6,1 kg / of 40,1 mm
8. Check up absence of deterioration or damage of teeths of gear wheels of the oil pump.
9. measure a backlash between a gear wheel of the oil pump and a nest in a cover.
Maximum permissible backlash of an external gear wheel of the oil pump: 0,12–0,18 mm
10. measure a hyundai parts catalogue backlash between teeths of gear wheels of the oil pump.
Maximum permissible backlash between teeths of gear wheels of the oil pump: 0,001–0,003 mm
11. By a metal ruler and measure a lateral backlash of gear wheels of the oil pump.
Maximum permissible hyundai factory part lateral backlash of rotors of the oil pump: 0,04–0,06 mm
Installation of a forward cover
Establish a forward cover with a new hyundai parts catalogue lining and fix bolts, having tightened their demanded moment.
Length of bolts: And – 25 mm; In – 28 mm; With – 45 mm; D – 60 mm; the inhaling moment – 12–15 Н•м
Installation of a forward oil sealing ring
1. Check up a forward sealing ring on absence of hyundai car parts deterioration or damage of working edges and if necessary replace it.
2. Check up a condition of the spring ring which hyundai parts oem are pressing out working edges of a sealing ring.
3. Grease an external surface of a new sealing ring with engine oil. The special tool 09231–22100 or the plug of hyundai factory part the corresponding diameter establish a sealing ring on a cranked shaft to a contact of a forward cover.
4. The special tool 09231–22000 establish a sealing ring against the stop in a nest of a forward cover
5. Establish a pulley of a cranked shaft, a gear belt and a pulley of a cranked shaft.
6. Establish the oil filter.
7. Clear of the rests of an old lining interfaced original hyundai parts surfaces of the oil pallet and the block of cylinders.
8. Put a continuous layer of hermetic in diameter of 4 mm on an interfaced surface of the oil pallet. Round apertures for bolts hermetic have from the inside. After hermetic drawing it is necessary to establish the pallet no more than in 15 minutes
9. Establish the oil pallet on hyundai parts oem the block of cylinders and fix bolts.
The inhaling moments: 6–8 Н•м
Installation of the oil pump
1. Establish external and internal gear wheels of the oil pump in a forward cover.
2. Establish a cover of the original hyundai parts oil pump and fix its bolts. After a tightening of bolts be convinced, that gear wheels are turned easily and smoothly.
The inhaling moments: 6–9 Н•м
3. Establish a safety valve, a spring and turn hyundai car parts a stopper, having tightened its demanded moment. Before installation grease a safety valve with engine oil.
The inhaling moments: 40–50 Н•м